The Great Sand Dunes National Park is a national dark sky park meaning that the light pollution is so low that the night skies look fantastic and deep sky objects are viewed much easier through telescopes and some with the naked eye. The images below were all taken on a 3 night trip to Mosca, Colorado.
The Ring Nebula
The Ring Nebula is best viewed in the summer time close to one of the brightest stars in our sky in summer, Vega in the constellation: Lyra. It is found between the stars Sulafat and Sheliak.
The Lagoon Nebula
The Lagoon Nebula is also best viewed in the summertime. This bright emission nebula can be found in the band of the milky way galaxy near the top right of the Sagittarius asterism.
The Dumbbell Nebula
The Dumbbell Nebula is found close to a constellation that resembles an arrow named Sagitta.